

About the brand: Word Animal Protection is an international non-profit animal welfare organization that has been in operation since 1981. The charity’s mission is to create a better world for animals by protecting them.

The Challenge:

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions and 51% of methane emissions, which is even more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. In addition to the environmental impact, factory farming has subjected animals to poor  animal welfare and public health.

World Animal Protection, wanted to sensitize people on the impact that eating less but higher-welfare meat could have on animals, health, and the environment.

The Project: Launched the #EatLessMeat Challenge campaign on digital media, where we challenged people to pick just ONE day to not consume meat, in order to ease the pressure on meat production.

Eat Less Meat Cover For Print Futura

We targeted animal lovers, environmentalists, food lovers and health conscious individuals and vegeterians/vegans as the key drivers of change advocating for less meat consumption as part of everyday life.

To reinforce this, we came up with an e-cook book, with 8 recipes for delicious vegetarian meals that could only be accessed after signing the pledge to eat less meat for the good of animals, people and the planet.

The Results

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50+ people attended the campaign launch event


1000+ online pledges signed


Reached 700k+ people


30+ print and online media hits


Behaviour adoption seen through user generated content from people who were moved by the initiative (They posted their meals and used #EatLessMeat)